Res-Q-Jack’s Stabilization University – Bergen County, NJ

Over 100 students from various states including: New Jersey, Maryland, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and West Virginia participated in Stabilization University hosted by Bergen County Fire & Rescue Academy. The days event included challenging and unique scenarios involving various vehicles and props. Equipment for the event was provided by Cepco Tool, the manufacturer of Res-Q-Jack. Res-Q-Jack offers many different struts to fit the needs of today rescuer and vehicles. From the Green Lite strut rated to 2500 pounds, to the Super X rated at 20,000 pounds. Another advantage for students is that all the struts had the ability to lift, allowing them to stabilize the vehicles or objects and then go right into a lift if necessary. A big thanks to Chief Fire Instructor Larry Rauch, the Bergen County Fire & Rescue Academy, their staff and the folks at Res-Q-Jack for making the class possible.
If you are interested in hosting an event in your area, please CONTACT US.